The Gallery 1:12 th Scale
The Gallery is my own miniature art gallery, there is a back story which you can read below. But as I’m starting over my blog this week it seemed essential to do a post showing just how far The Gallery has evolved in 10 years.
My twelfth scale double-fronted Victorian-style shop houses an eclectic, contemporary art gallery that is filled with vibrancy, and colour, and where I hold art exhibitions and events.

The Gallery : The Back Story
The Gallery as it is called resides in my home on my upper landing and houses a collection of my tiny Art, it is a fun addition to my home and I see it everyday.
The Gallery had its grand opening in 2013 and since then it has evolved, built some easels and an Art Browser for display and the paintings change from time to time too as you can see
When we were planning and building The Gallery we chatted and a “back story” developed over time so just for fun I thought I might share our (frictional) story …….
The property at 27 Coast Road is a Victorian double fronted shop property which started life as a bakery called The Granary.
It has seen many changes over the years, starting as a bakery where the bakers worked long hours and mostly baked bread that they delivered, sold at market or was collected from the shop. Then moving into an era where cakes and sweet treats became popular and Ladies would browse and shop for delicious sweets and later having part of the shop became a small tea room, where tea in China cups graced the tables and cakes and pastries were enjoyed.
But in time with post war rationing and the rise of convenience foods and supermarkets the family business closed and the shop stood empty for some years, still owned by the family but no longer a going concern.
In the 1990’s a Mr Rayfield moved to this part of town, he was a builder by trade and as he past the shop in disrepair, each day on his way to work and thought what a shame it was that should a wonderful building was no longer being used.
Some years later, Mr R married and settled down, his wife was a very keen artist and with his encouragement starting showing her art in exhibitions and selling her paintings on the Internet.
So when an opportunity came to buy the Old Granary from a distance relative of the original baker the couple bought the property and set about restoring the building, keeping the exterior as it was with its Victorian panel features but inside it became a modern contemporary Art Gallery with a high gloss floor and spot lighting just right for displaying lots of Art ………
All in miniature of course 😉 wink !!!!!
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